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Daily Happy Dance!

A 5-Day Challenge Research Project

It's a no-brainer that people enjoy music and dance, and there's science behind the mental health benefits. So why don't we use it more for our mental health and well-being? Hmmm ... this question got us thinking.


What if people received a daily dose of dance - ya know, like a daily dose of medicine? What would that do? Would it work? Would it reduce stress - maybe even reduce depression?


Think of it ... the stretching ... the deep breathing ... maybe a tiny bit of sweat and some endurance ... and the fun! These are good things we hear we're supposed to add to our life all the time - wrapped up in one little song. 


Can you do it? Can you dance through one song each day for 5 days? And then tell us about your experience at the end of the 5 days? (We'll send a short survey.) Okay - yeah, it's alright if you miss a few. We just want to interrupt your day with dance as many days as possible for 5 days. 


So ... shut the front door! At your office. At your home. Wherever you are. Dance along with us for one entire song each day. Us? Who's "us?"


SIGN UP HERE - On mobile device, send an email to with Happy Dance in the subject line. On desktop or laptop, easy sign-up is below.






















"Us" is all the volunteers we recruited who dance incognito behind a screen and appear as a shadow dancer. Yep - dancing incognito makes it easier to let it rip! Some of these volunteers would NEVER do this, but the screen helps them DANCE LIKE NO ONE'S WATCHING. And they do it because they care - about you and your mental health. It doesn't matter HOW you dance - JUST DANCE!


That phrase, DANCE LIKE NO ONE'S WATCHING  has been around a long time for a reason. There's something about it. A release of some kind. A letting go. An entrance of joy. We want to learn more about implementing the benefits of dance.


Sign up to receive a daily dose of dance. You'll get an email or Facebook or YouTube prompt each day (beginning August 5th), so you can let it rip, and dance like no one's watching. We'll be reporting our findings here and at the Georgia Suicide Prevention Conference Poster Session this September. Thank you! 


SIGN UP HERE - On mobile device, send an email to with Happy Dance in the subject line. On desktop or laptop, easy sign-up is below.





















A Dance a Day Keeps the Blues at Bay.















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5-Day Challenge!

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